British College of Applied Studies has an evolutionary history of more than a decade. It is now a top-notch institution with over one thousand students on its roll. Thousands have already passed out with qualifications that are applied practically in the professions they are pursuing. All these students were supported and guided their higher education and thereafter to fitting careers with assistance and advice from the BCAS management. The student council that was helpful in such exercises since its inception in 2005 was in hibernation for about two years due to some unavoidable circumstances. We are now happy to announce that the council has been rebooted with effect from June 18 2011 to be of service to the student fraternity of BCAS.
Thus the reactivated BCAS Student Council has been completely revamped under a new organizational structure to serve its student members more effectively. It absorbs all the present students of BCAS and ensures that their views and ideas are represented in a fair and balanced manner in all spheres of BCAS activities. The other major activity is organizing entertainment events and religious and cultural functions. The BCAS fund raising walk for deserving charity projects is yet another addition to its activities.
Besides these, the council takes interest in getting the batch reps appointed to look after the interests of respective batches of students belonging to different study courses and motivate them for better performance.
