How a reservoir of knowledge could be channelled through the good qualities of a leader be it the career, active social causes, politics or sports by being a consultant/counsellor rather than being a ‘rigid’ commander was the advice of a prominent marketer at the Sunday Times Business Club meeting held at the Taj Samudra last week.
Neela Marikkar at the ST Business Club. Pic by Nilan Maligaspe |
Ms Neela Marikkar, Chairperson/Managing Director, The Grant Group speaking on “What makes a Good Leader” said that a good leader would not be a ‘one man show’ but rely on group responsibility, all decisions taken with consultation of the management staff and the majority decision to prevail – a team spirit – sense of belonging in amalgamating knowledge of everyone.
She said the capacity to forgive is one of the greatest qualities in a leader and in this sphere one who inspired her most is Nelson Mandela as his greatest asset was the ability to forgive. He averted a definite blood bath and mayhem in South Africa by forgiving those who incarcerated him for 27 years and who tortured and killed his friends and family. The world was inspired by a man emerging from prison with a heart full of forgiveness, humility and love. He made South Africa free and he was the change he wanted to see.
She said that treating others the way you want to be treated is another golden rule in leadership, but is forgotten many a times, specially for people considered to be less important. But she said that addressing these simple principles, there would be a huge change in the aspiring leaders and all the people who interact with them. They have to be role models and remain committed despite setbacks, to show the way for others to go forward. She said that Sir Winston Churchill accepted the responsibility of the defeat in the World War II and that was quality leadership.
The characteristics of a good leader is to be amenable to change throughout their lives. She said that leaders inspire others and are clear about their values and priorities rather than others who define them, accept they do not know everything and that their way is not the only way.
Good leaders are good listeners. Most effective leaders essentially are managers and leaders and they know that they are not indispensable, but ensure succession. She said that much of the leadership qualities are what they learn along the way by listening to inspirational people and how to approach things in their lives.
All these above qualities of leadership are what is learnt along the way by listening to inspirational people who make people to think about how to approach things in their lives. She said that she is inspired and motivated by people every day.
Leaders have to be impartial and transparent. They have to be approachable, develop integrity and ethics by being an example. The other qualities in a good leader according to Ms Marikkar are: encouragement of innovation and creativity, to act fast, be firm but not abusive, not a control freak nor a micro manager and bring out the best out of the team. She said that good leaders often know not to take themselves too seriously. Ms Marikkar said that there are inspirational stories of people who have become global icons in their fields such as Mother Teresa who became the symbol of love to the hopeless; Bill Gates a nerdy college drop out is today, a global icon; Steve Jobs of Apple who revolutionized Information technology or Mark Zukermann who invented Facebook to enable students to stay in touch, today has 500 million users.
She said the former President of Honduras inspired the people with his speech at the National Prayer breakfast in Washington DC - a special gathering of the United States Congress and world leaders (where she was also present) who meet annually under the patronage of the US president and his cabinet. He was a true leader who spoke about the 7 principles of leadership based on the teachings of a great spiritual teacher Jesus of Nazareth, whose revolutionary thinking changed the world in 2000 BC.
He said often times political leaders forget why they are in office.
They also forget that it’s the people who put them there to serve their needs. The former Honduran President stressed the importance of humility and to be a servant and to keep the eyes on the task and not on oneself, she said.
She concluded by saying “A good leader does not allow himself to be wrapped up in the power and prestige of being ‘the leader’ at the expense of the task at hand.” The club is hosted by the Taj Samudra Hotel and Hameedias are co-sponsors. |