South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine [SAITM] offers Sri Lanka's first degree programme in Interactive Media based on computing, the modern way of addressing legacy multimedia.
Information Technology has revolutionized media by changing ideologies and accessibility. With the Interactive media degree programme, SAITM has taken a leap towards formalizing the education of the Sri Lankan youth in this particular study path. Opportunities to work in interactive media such as web design and development, project management, e-commerce, online publishing; online broadcasting, audio, video and digital entertainment are available with SAITM.
The first batch of students that concluded the BTEC Edexcel HND in Interactive Media from the Faculty of ICT and Media of South Asian Institute of Technology & Medicine (SAITM) posing for a group photograph. These students will be progressing towards the 3rd year of BSc in Computing with Interactive Media offered by the prestigious University of Buckinghamshire, UK. |
The curriculum of the 3 year degree programme with the Buckinghamshire New University , UK is created at SAITM to cover from fundamentals to advanced studies using both theory and practical lessons. The first two years of the degree focuses mainly on the fundamentals of computing, applications of interactive media etc leading to a Higher National Diploma.
This programme also welcomes students who are currently in IT and find difficult to go ahead with pure programming alone but have the talent, skills and ideas close to their heart.
Prospective students must complete at least their G.C.E Ordinary Level in order to apply for this programme. Then they could start with the SAITM Diploma and then move on to SAITM /EDEXCEL HND and then the B.Sc. (Hons) in Computing with Interactive Media top up programme offered by the Buckinghamshire New University, UK at SAITM at a cost affordable to many.
In keeping with the 'Green Campus' concept, the study material are available in electronic form rather than using paper and print and the students have the opportunity to record lectures as well as get study support from the Learning Management System, Moodle on internet .
The faculty contains state-of-the-art facilities such as high speed fibre optic internet, a computer lab [30 high end PCs available] in a Gigabit Local Area Network, 350 seats auditorium with video conferencing facilities and a comprehensive library. The most prominent feature of the faculty is its ultra modern iMac laboratory. 30 iMac computers are set up for the use of the students and at the moment this is the only iMac lab available in Sri Lanka.
With these high tech facilities, the Faculty of ICT & Media works in close collaboration with Sri Lankan Rupavahini Corporation [SLRC] and the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation [SLBC] for providing them with technical support when they need them. SAITM offered its facilities to hold two international New Media programmes to Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation in the recent past. The students also get the opportunity to work with veteran film directors such as Sudath Mahadivulwewa and Buddhi Keerthisena.
The goal of SAITM is to become the best university in South Asia in keeping with its founder Chairman Prof. Neville Fernando's ideology and this would be a good opportunity for the ICT enthusiasts to acquire further education and develop their potential to the maximum and SAITM invites those who are interested to visit and witness the facilities before taking a decision on where to study.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are widely understood to be an enabler of economic growth. The concern has been expressed to the effect that there is a shortage of ICT skills in Sri Lanka which will act as a restraint on the attainment of government's goal to achieve a sustainable annual growth in GDP.
SAITM's degree in Interactive Media is the first Multimedia degree offered in Sri Lanka. With an ever increasing student intake, SAITM's Faculty of ICT & Media hopes helping the nation by providing our students with a career in the lucrative creative industry.
SAITM boasts some of the best training facilities in the field. Dedicated multimedia lab, Sri Lanka's largest iMac lab, proposed studio facility, large library & the best panel of lecturers.
Contact Information:
Telephone : (+94)11 241 3351 or
(+94) 11 241 3331
E-mail :
Mail : Faculty of ICT & Media
South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine
P.O Box 11, Millennium Drive,
Off Chandrika Kumaratunga Mawatha,
Malabe, Sri Lanka.