H.G.H.E. Chaminda Pusswedilla’s office released this statement with regard to the World Peece Sumitt.
“Oll peeple are infommed that the World Peece Sumitt will take place from 11th Januwary to 15th Januwary 2012 at the Pusswedilla Arsikland Nashnel Theatre fomelly knowns as Lynel Went.
Now you must be inommed that only a smoll number of tickets are avaylabel for the peece sumitt. This is the last time that Hon. Pusswedilla will host this sumitt. If you want to see the Hon. Pusswedilla and the Peece Sumitt then you must buy a ticket and come. Oll tickets are now avaylabel at the Lynel Went. Oll peeples who have tickets will be alowed to come inside, oll peeples without tickets can stay outside and look at the poster on the woll.
This peece sumitt is a repeet peece sumitt of the peece sumitt that H.G.H.E. Pusswedilla held in last year. Have to have this becose some peeples didn’t see the last peece sumitt and some peeples went and had some wali and fights after the sumitt. Only a few tickets are now avaylabel so get them soon from Lynel”
Signed, Ratnapala Silva
Sectary to Cyril Nitharamasuffering (who is Sectary to H.G.H.E. Pusswedilla) |