
CINEC’s third consecutive diploma awards ceremony in Management

Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College (CINEC) convened its 3rd Diploma Awards Ceremony on the 29th of December 2011 in the Klaus E. Oldendorff Auditorium of the Campus. The occasion was graced by a number of dignitaries including Prof. (emeritus) Dayantha S Wijeyesekera, Chairman - Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission, Prof. Amal Kumarage, Chairman - CILT, Mr. Ralph Anandappa, Deputy Chairman - CASA, Mr. Dhammika Walgampaya, Secretary - CASA, Mr. Lucky Wickramanayake, Deputy Chairman - Ceyline Group of Companies and Capt. Ajith Peiris, Group Managing Director - Ceyline Group of Companies.

In affiliation with world organizations such as CILT and CASA, CINEC offers diplomas in Professional Diploma in Supply Chain Management, Professional Diploma in Freight Forwarding, Professional Diploma in Shipping Management and Certificate of International Transportation. In 2011, these diploma certificates were received by 118 students.

In addition to the graduating students, invited dignitaries and the lecturers from concerned faculties, the occasion was graced by a large number from amongst the members of the corporate world.
The Guest of Honour, Prof. Dayantha Wijeyesekera marked the ceremony as one of the most important occasions in the life of the students.

He highlighted that in the world where technologies and the techniques of administration keeps changing ever so fast requires every working person to upgrade his/her academic qualifications and professional skills on average three times per life time of career in order not to be ostracized from the world of work and thus guarantee a place of work.

He lauded, therefore, the opportunity made available by CINEC for the continuing education both in the academic as well as in the professional spheres. Then he made a point requiring the students and professionals make use of these opportunities and upgrade their academic qualifications and professional skills thus seeking to further their career objectives.

Prof. Amal Kumarage from CILT and Mr Ralf Andappa from CASA highlighted the global application of these qualifications. They maintained that those who have academic qualifications and vocational skills from logistics and related subjects are bound to be the winners.

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