Radio and TV personality Danu Innasithamby recently released his T-shirt range which he calls the ‘Playlist collection’ because it was inspired by radio.“I started off with radio when I was 16,” Danu who loves fashion explains, adding that all the slogans emblazoned on the T-shirts are taken from popular songs.
The T-shirt collection is part of a project Danu launched in memory of his mother whom he lost last December. She died of cancer and Danu’s recent concert ‘Love changes everything’ was aimed at raising funds for children at the Cancer Hospital, Maharagama.
All artists sang free of charge and the concert proceeds went to the children’s ward at the Cancer Hospital. Proceeds from his T-shirt collection sales will also be channelled there.
“The T-shirts are available at Beverly Street, Colombo 3, and Danu is appealing to all his fans to support the cause. “When you buy a T-shirt you help a child with cancer, smile,” he says. “It all goes to them.”
“We can never change what is to happen,” Danu says soberly, “but we can help them smile and be happy….that’s why I am doing this. I am not doing it alone, many help me.”
Meanwhile, he is busy planning Part 2 of ‘Love changes everything’. The date will be announced soon. For more information call 0773850993. |