• Last Update 2025-03-13 22:24:00

Why digital marketing platforms are important in the current business era and how it will impact the environment


Shimara Azhar.
The world is transforming towards digitalization. For an organization to make a brand commitment towards the environment is an important fact in the contemporary market however, it is essential for the business to protect the environment through the business and marketing activities which they practice, which will create positive brand awareness and perception with people. It is important for an organization to understand the efficiency of the current marketing plan by analyzing it for an innovative and creative digitalized platform by encountering a brand commitment towards the environment. Perhaps The increasing degree to which the market has made it necessary for firms to make digital adjustments to keep their edge in the market. 
Traditional way of marketing is now transforming into digital marketing platforms and concentrating more on the digital base activities however, digital revolution has given a new phase to the businesses.
How will Digital marketing save the earth? 
With climate change due to global warming businesses and organizations need to work together to overcome the causes and threats of climate change.
The organizations need to take actions to prevent climate change when they undertake their activities for a positive contribution towards the environment. In order that the organizations are required to conduct Eco friendly marketing campaign while contributing and creating awareness towards environment friendly business. Perhaps Eco-friendly marketing is known as green marketing where it promotes the business while protecting the earth and saving the environment. Thirty percent of the global consumers are focused on environmentally friendly organizations to deal with, further ensure their purchasing from organizations who practice green marketing and sustainable practices. However, consumers have a positive perception towards companies who practice green marketing and sustainable practices in business.
Paperless working 
Most organizations have cut down on the print media and paper usage or very less in usage. Most of the organization even including the public sector organizations moved into paper less working culture where they even archive the data on digital platforms. Printing of paper money has reduced due to the cashless payment people nowadays use cashless payment methods for day-to-day activities e-wallets like Paytm, Apple Pay, PhonePe, Google Tez, Samsung Pay Dialog Genie and smart devices plays a significant role in the paperless cashless payment transaction.
Newspapers and magazines have switched to digital reading materials. Further books you can download and store for your reference where you do not have to buy books and switch to E-books and E- learning.
 “Less paper uses less pollution” From cutting down a tree to the production of paper process there’s carbon dioxide produced to the environment as well as the waste during the production harm the environment and the eco system. Having said that going paperless and using digital media platforms for your activities will save the earth.
Hybrid working and use of social media platforms
During the covid pandemic entire organizations started to work from home however still organizations continue the hybrid working which has also contributed towards saving the earth, when people work from home the transportation has automatically reduced and the employees having meetings, training programs and most of the corporate events through the social media platforms such as, zoom meetings, Microsoft teams and other platforms which reduced the  cost of the operational budgets as well as eventually it contributed a positive impact on the environment. 
In VUCA world social media platforms are the best way of communication. The current world has become more powerful with digital transformation and the revolution. However, this has made the world connected through the fingertips. Wherever you go digital media platforms are accessible for your convenience. Having said that people have used to communicate via social media platforms hence the usage of the paper has dramatically gone down due to that reason the chopping off tree has also gone down. 
Reduce E-waste 
Digital downloads and upload platforms made people life much easier with reduce use of CD’ and DVD’s. People started storing data and watching movies through digital platforms, clouds, Netflix which reduces the electronic gadget uses and reduces dumping the electronic waste on the planet. Materials used for electronic equipment’s are dangerous to the environment hence it is essential to reduce e-waste. 
Transforming business into Immersive technology
Immersion digital media environment is a stimulation of a virtual environment which is a non-physical location but to give a perceptual experience to the people in a sensory mode. With the tremendous expansion of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR) technologies have become a phenomenal experience to people to interact with the virtual environment.
Immersive experience where you will feel you are part of the whole thing what is happening around you. Smartphone manufacturers have developed AR apps for navigation in the smartphones.
Education gives an experience on the digital element with the transformation of the learning environment with mixed reality. Students can explore geographic, historical landmarks or virtual experimental biological bodies, or travel in the galaxy by staying the classroom.
However, through this technology business can save the cost while doing green marketing, nevertheless consumers are not required to travel so far to get these experiences.
Encourage on Electric vehicles (EV) 
Digitalization and green way of living put together make twin transition post covid pandemic most organization are converting towards digitalization hence electric vehicles (EVs) are more effective and efficiency towards digitally transformative solution further which reduce the green gas emissions. 
Renewable energy and smart living 
With the innovation of technology most of the people are practicing the green living concept and they move towards renewable energy consumption, smart living, recycling, and reuse materials and go for businesses who are into sustainable practices. In the current world people like to live in green space with eco-friendly manner further the Government and the policy makers are encouraging people to live in more eco-friendly in green living concept. 
What are the advantages you get from green marketing? 
Promote Eco- friendly products and services.
Contributes to reduce the greenhouse effect and global warming.
Contribution towards environment protection programs. 
Increase and sustain the business from loyalty consumers who value sustainability practices and green marketing.
Highlighted in the competitive marketplace.
Earn higher prices for eco-friendly products and encourage the distributors. 
Building the brand reputation
Increase the profit with green living concept and reduce the cost of the production.

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