• Last Update 2025-03-13 22:24:00

A Magnificent Holy Week Choral Presentation


The long awaited Lenten choral presentation by St. Cecilia’s Choir of St. Joseph’s College will take place at 6.00 pm on Wednesday, 5th of April 2023 at the Splendid Chapel of St. Joseph’s College, Colombo 10.

Organized under the aegis of Sri Lanka Pueri Cantores Federation, a national wing of the international federation, the event will entail more than 200 singers including boys, girls and youth. Most Rev. Dr. Brian Udaigwe, the Apostolic Nuncio in Sri Lanka will head up the programme.

St. Cecilia’s Choir of St. Joseph’s College will lead with the chant Pueri Hebraeorum and the glorious Palm Sunday anthem, Lauda Jerusalem; followed by the exquisite Ave Verum Corpus by William Byrd – recalling Christ’s farewell Last Supper and the institution of the Holy Eucharist. Uniting the Josephians will be the choir of Ave Maria Convent, Negombo.

Thereafter, the choir of Good Shepherd Convent will sing the modern hymn Remember Me and the hymn Gethsamane. Two senior Josephian (A/L and post A/L) groups will then render the famous African Baba Yetu (Our Father in Swahili), followed by “Jesuni, Ai Metharam Mata Aadarei”. The past Shepherdians will then enter to vocalize the tuneful piece Above All Powers, depicting the tragedy of the crucifixion.

Among other Sinhala and Tamil renditions, moment comes for Handel’s composition, Worthy is the Lamb. The poignant Hebrew chant Hashivenu and Palestrina’s Adoramus Te, Christe will also be rendered in sublime harmony by the Josephian Choir. The final segment opens with the congregational hymn Jesus Christ is Risen Today; right after the polyphonic piece Regina Coeli Laetare along with And Can It Be – both advanced by the international award-winning Old Joes Choir. After a brief message and blessing by the celebrant, St. Cecilia’s Choir of St. Joseph’s College will render Handel’s masterpiece, the Hallelujah Chorus; succeeded by the resounding finale of Gloria Te, the Italian Millennium anthem.

All are welcome and will be granted free entrance.

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