• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

HBO hit by hackers; threaten to release Game Of Thrones content


Entertainment Weekly reports that hackers claim to have acquired 1.5 terabytes of data from HBO in a recent cyberattack against the network, and have already released unaired episodes of Ballers and Room 104 online.

But the most devastating revelation centers on HBO’s marquee seriesAn alleged script for the upcoming fourth episode of Game of Thrones’ seventh season has allegedly leaked, via a cryptic and oddly worded email that the hackers anonymously sent to several different reporters.

HBO has confirmed that a cyberattack took place, both to EW and in internal statements obtained by the news outlet. “The problem before us is unfortunately all too familiar in the world we now find ourselves a part of,” HBO Chair and CEO Richard Plepler wrote in an email to employees.

The network has not commented on what specific content the hackers may have acquired. But this incident fits a pattern that seems to be part of a growing trend in Hollywood.

Back in April, Netflix was hacked, and episodes of Orange Is the New Black season five were released online prior to its debut. A hacking group called the Dark Overlord claimed responsibility for that hack and said that they had also acquired not only more Netflix programming but also content from ABC and Fox. They subsequently leaked eight episodes of Steve Harvey’s Funderdome in June ahead of its premiere.

There are four remaining episodes in Game of Thrones seventh season, which airs its finale on August 27. Whether the details of those episodes will stay under wraps until they air remains an open question.

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