• Last Update 2024-06-28 18:08:00

Supporting the revival of the local coffee industry


In a time gone by in Ceylon, it was coffee that was a booming plantation before disease struck, wiping out thousands of acres of coffee that adorned the hills of the country.

Although tea overtook significantly making Sri Lanka the best producer of the beverage in the world, coffee is also making a comeback thanks to a few ardent coffee enthusiasts.

Among them is  the Colombo Coffee Company (CCC) who have taken it upon themselves to revive this industry. As a part of its initiatives, CCC created its own brand of homegrown coffee, Toscana Ceylon which was introduced to the local and international market.

“Toscana Ceylon has created quite a stir in the coffee market for its unique blend and characteristics, and is growing in popularity. Initiated first as a CSR project to help local coffee farmers, the brand now is becoming a stand-alone entity with a loyal following”, said CCC’s General Manager Lien Keerthisinghe was quoted as saying in a statement.

Further supporting the revival of Sri Lanka’s coffee industry part of the profits from Toscana Ceylon are channeled towards helping coffee farmers uplift their standard of life and give positive value to their work. Funds are also used to purchase school supplies for children in these farming communities.

The distribution of more than 100 such school supply packs took place recently at the Department of Agricultural Research in Matale under the patronage of General Manager of CCC Lien Keerthisinghe, Head of Finance and Operations Roshan Fernando, Engineering Manager Dineshan Perera, National Sales Manager Dimithri Somasundaram and the team representing Colombo Coffee Company. 

 For more information on Toscana Ceylon and CCC’s complete coffee solutions visit their outlets at No.38, Ward Place, Colombo 7 and the latest at No.62A, Lighthouse Street, Galle Fort, Galle.









The children who received the school packs


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