• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

The LG Singers - where Lylie’s legacy lives on


Music, song, laughter and camaraderie, all in one, can be experienced in the home of Lylie Godridge.

Lylie is no more but his legacy lives on, while his wife, Irma, sits in the hall of their home and their sons continue the good work he started way back in 1962. It is the Lylie Godridge (LG) Singers at their weekly musical meeting, without losing a single beat of a Tuesday.

lylieś legacy

Lylie with his singers - family album picture

“Look at the paper, figure it out in your head, listen to when the other parts come in,” says Willie, his eldest son, seated on a revolving chair, waving a sheaf of music around, under the benevolent gaze of a black-and-white painting of Lylie, as we walk in on a rainy evening, while brother Christopher occupies a seat close-by.

Willie has guided the choir, with the members ranging in age from 22 to 84 years, from varied professions such as teaching and computing to marketing, banking and even social service, since his father’s death in 1998.

The “secret” of the “continuing” success of the LG Singers is that we keep on doing what we love most — singing, says Willie, as the others vigorously nod in agreement.

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