Jaffna District Independent MP Ramanathan Archchuna who was arrested this afternoon (29) will be produced before the Anuradhapura Magistrate’s Court tonight or tomorrow morning, Police Spokesman, SSP Buddhika Manathunga said.
He was taken into custody today in connection with the incident on January 20, 2025, when he allegedly obstructed police officers on duty.
SSP Manathunga, told timesonline that MP Ramanathan was taken to the Anuradhapura Headquarters and the Police are in the process of recording a statement from him. Once that is finalised, he would be produced before the Anuradhapura Magistrate’s Court tonight or tomorrow morning.
SSP Manathunga said that as the permission of the Speaker is needed before arresting a MP, they had obtained his permission.
"The Speaker instructed us to conduct the investigation without interrupting the parliamentary session. Since the next parliamentary session is scheduled to be held on February 5, we proceeded with the MP's arrest. This was the reason for the delay in taking action," he added.
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