First night of Kandy Perahera held despite bad weather


Pix and News By L.B.Senaratne

Despite heavy showers in Kandy, massive crowds turned up for the first Kumbal Perhaera of the Kandy Esala Maha Perahera and the cynosure of the eyes was the Tusker carrying the golden Karanduwa, who was Singha Raja, flanked by Myan Raja and Buruma Raja yesterday.

It is commonly believed that the first Kumbal Perhera is a blessing for children, especially infants. 
The Golden Karanudwa was brought down by the Diyawadana Nilame  Pradeep   Nilanga Dela and folloowed by the two Service Nayke Thera's , the Anunayake  Wendaruwe  Upali Thera and the Deputy Secretary of Asgiri Maha Vihare Nayake Narananawa Ananda Thera.

The Maligawa Perehra was followed by Natha Devale, Maa Viushnu Devale , Katargama Devale and Goddess Pathini Devale.

The devotees braved the weather and so were the Police personnel who was on duty right along the route of Perahera route which was short.


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