• Last Update 2024-06-30 23:37:00

Opposition team heads to Russia and Myanmar to secure release of Lankans


A team of Opposition Parliamentarians left the country this morning on a mission to seek the release of Sri Lankans who have been deployed in the Russian – Ukraine war-front as soldiers and another group illegally employed in Myanmar for cyber -crime activities.

The three members are Sujith Sanjaya Perera and J.C. Alawathuwala from the Samagi Jana Balawegaya and Wasantha Yapa Bandara who has broken away from the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna.

They would be spending five days each in Russia and Myanmar in their efforts to secure the release of the Lankans.

The team is  carrying with them appeals from the Mahanayaka theras and opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa.

They have arranged meetings with officials from the two countries.

The opposition trip to Russia comes ahead of a proposed visit by a government delegation which is also to be sent to Russia.

At least 49 Lankans are reportedly being held in a camp in Myanmar and being used for cyber crimes.

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