• Last Update 2025-01-05 22:44:00

Popham’s Arboretum relaunched


Popham's Arboretum, a botanical garden for trees, was relaunched in Dambulla this afternoon. 

The renovated Arboretum, along with a museum dedicated to Sam Popham, the donor whose land the space exists on was opened by Environment Secretary Dr. Anil Jasinghe, Education Secretary Nihal Ranasinghe and other ministry dignitaries. 
The Arboretum which has been a hub for eco tourists and researchers alike is being relaunched following repairs and revamping in a collaboration between the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Education and the National Institute of Fundamental Studied (NIFS). 
The project has been funded by the Ministry of Environment and the property is owned by the NIFS which falls under the Education Ministry.
Speaking at the event Dr. Jasinghe noted that the Arboretum would be used for ecotourism as well. "This will benefit the communities around it when guests come in and opportunities to market local produce and productions arise," he noted adding that meetings will also be facilitated here. 
The Ministry is in the process of targeting popular tourist areas for eco-tourism opportunities and a second eco tourism destination is set to open in Hiriwadunna in two months.
Vehicles will not be allowed in to the Arboretum for conservation reasons.

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