• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Sharp rise in price of Vesak decorations this year - Traders


Traders selling Vesak decorations say that the price of paper and wire used to make Vesal lanterns as well as the shortage of bamboo has resulted in a significant increase in the price of lanterns and other decorations.

A group of traders in Eppawala, Anuradhapura said that a lantern that used to be Rs. 100 last year is Rs. 200 this year. The paper used to make the lanterns has gone up in price from Rs. 8 last year to Rs. 15 this year. Since schools have told students to bring lanterns made from bamboo, parents come and buy from them, they noted. Nevertheless, sales have been lower than last year. 

The bamboo shortage is also an issue, with traders having to travel long distances to source bamboo needed to make lanterns. 

Meanwhile, the price of other Vesak decorations too have gone up due to the rise in raw material needed to make them. The price of decoration lights for Vesak have also gone up while people are not buying them as much either owing to the steep hike in electricity prices. 

Vesak falling soon after the Sinhala and Tamil New Year has also proved a contributory factor since many people don't have enough money to spend on decorations, traders also observed. 

Text and Pix by Thisara Samal - Anuradhapura

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