• Last Update 2024-07-17 16:41:00

Tamil parties launch protest march from Pottuvil to Polikandy ahead UNHRC sessions


Tamil political parties and civil society organizations commenced a protest march across North and East provinces at Pottuvil today against what they call ongoing oppressions against Tamil speaking communities in the country.  The protest march is to reach its final destination at Polikandy, Point Pedro on Saturday. 


Despite police securing orders against organizers from Court to prevent them from continuing the protests in various parts of Batticaloa district, the protesters used different routes to continue their march trails with locals.


Muslim civil society organizations and regional political party leaders too extended their support for the protest by taking part along with Tamil political leaders and civil society activists. 


The protesters alleged that the government launched a campaign against minorities in the country by grabbing their land, ongoing new archeological discoveries in North and Eastern provinces with hidden agendas and increasing militarization. 


The proposed three day protest concluded today at Kaluvanchikudi and will continue from tomorrow. 


Police also put up road barricades in the district with STF personnel deployed for additional security. Police also launched a probe into those who violated the court order and continued their protest by taking different routes. 


The protest came weeks before the UN Human Rights Council sessions later this month where Sri Lanka is on the agenda. (Pix by Deva Athiran) 


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