• Last Update 2024-07-22 09:03:00

ACJU rejects statements by BBS on 'Maktab' education


The All Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama (ACJU) has rejected accusations made by the Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Power Force) movement on ‘Maktab’ education claiming that it propagates extremism.

Issuing a press release, the ACJU explained that the Arabic word ‘Maktab’ means a place of study.

According to the ACJU, the Department of Muslim Religious And Cultural Affairs had issued a syllabus for religious classes which were taking place at mosques in 2010. These were called Maktab classes, the ACJU said adding that books too were issued in line with the syllabus issued by the Department.

The BBS had recently issued a press release alleging that ‘maktab’ classes which take place at mosques contribute towards extremism and terrorism.

“Over several years, mosques have been teaching the Muslims to become citizens with good ethics and morals values,” the ACJU said in a press release.

The release noted that the fees charged from the students were used to pay the salaries of teachers and the educational activities of students. “The ACJU does not utilise these funds for any of its activities,” the cleric body stressed.

They also urged that false statements must not be made in order to affect the peace prevailing in the country.

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