• Last Update 2024-09-04 13:20:00

Alleged fraud in purchase of two ships by CSC


The Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) has begun a probe on the purchase of two ships by the Ceylon Shipping Corporation (CSC) during the previous Mahinda Rajapaksa administration. The vessels, with a displacement of 63,000 tons each, investigators say had allegedly been purchased with excess payments amounting to US$ 30 million for both.

Investigators say the ships procured in 2013 from a Chinese state enterprise had been bought at $70 million each. Meanwhile, the FCID probe into the procurement of MiG-27 fighter jets is now nearing completion. A Sri Lanka team was in the Ukranian capital of Kiev a week ago following up on several matters. It included Attorney General Jayantha Jayasuriya, Senior DIG Ravi Waidyalankara, head of the FCID, and another official from the AG’s Department.

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