• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Anti-SAITM strike: Private medical services also affected


Over 150 trade unions, led by the Government Medical Officers' Association (GMOA) are due to take part in tomorrow's (7) island-wide trade union action in protest against the Government's alledged lethargy to resolve the controversy surrounding the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM). 

At a joint press conference today, trade union representatives also said they would take part in a protest march and rally in Colombo and Colombo Fort tomorrow afternoon to coincide with the strike.

Meanwhile, the GMOA has also noted that their strike would extend to the private medical services as well.    

It warned that the strike had the potential to cripple health services throughout the country while strikes in other sectors launched in support of the GMOA's trade union action are also likely to cause inconveniences to the public. 

However, the strike will not affect maternity hospitals, children's hospitals, institutes providing services for kidney and cancer patients, as well as hospitals of the tri-forces. Emergency services will also function as normal. 


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