• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Buddhist monk in Mullaitivu allegedly threatened by TNA


Chief Incumbent of the Sambodhi Vihara Temple in Kokilai, Mullaitivu, Ven. Sri Tissapura Gunarathana Thera claims he has been threatned by a Provincial Councilor from the Tamil National Alliance (TNA)  to stop developing the temple and to vacate the area.

The Thera further stated that several members of the TNA were claiming that the temple had been built on private land and have launched agitations to have it removed. A proposal in this regard has also been tabled and approved at the Northern Pronvincial Council (NPC), he added. 

The Thera however, claims that he has a permit for the land on which the temple had been built, which had been issued by the Mullaitivu Divisional Secretary. A court case filed by a man claiming the land was his had later been withdrawn after a short period, he further noted. 

After arriving in the area in 2009 to teach children at the Kokilai Sinhala Vidyalaya, the Thera had subsequently built a kindergarden and a vocational training institute within the temple. He claims he had been foster ethnic harmony between Sinhala and Tamil communities by providing education to those from both ethnicities at these institutes while also attending to the religious needs of area residents. 

Thurairasa Raviharan, the PC Member who is alleged to have threatened Gunarathana Thera denied the accusations, stating that he had gone to the temple on several occasions to meet the Thera but that he had not been present. 

Mr. Raviharan though, maintained that the temple had been built on private land and hence should be removed. He also questioned why a Buddhist temple was needed for the area, as the vast majority of residents in Kokilai were Tamil Christians. 

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka 

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06 (5)


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