• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

Celebrating diplomatic relations between Indonesia - Sri Lanka


Sri Lankan Ambassador to Indonesia and ASEAN Dharsana M.Perera planted a na tree, the Sri Lankan national tree, at Bogor Botanical Gardens on Monday to mark the 65th anniversary of Indonesia-Sri Lanka diplomatic relations, the Jakarta Post reported.

“Na tree is a rare plant in Sri Lanka,” said Perera, adding that na tree had been officiated as the Sri Lankan national tree in 1986.

The Sri Lankan ironwood had been brought in directly from the Royal Botanic Gardens Paradeniya, Sri Lanka.

“We hope the na tree can become a symbol of long-term friendship and good relations between Indonesian and the Sri Lankan people, and can help expand and deepen  relations between Paradeniya and Bogor Botanical Gardens,” said Ambassador Perera.

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) deputy chairman for biodiversity sciences Enny Sudarmonowati mentioned that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had wished for stronger partnership between Indonesia and Sri  Lanka in his state visit to Colombo, Sri Lanka, in January.

“We expect support from Sri Lanka, especially the Paradeniya Royal Botanic Gardens, in the effort to achieve UNESCO World Heritage Site status for the Bogor Botanical Gardens,” said Enny.

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