• Last Update 2024-09-13 12:03:00

China expresses hopes on resolving outstanding issues


China today expressed confidence that it could resolve any of the outstanding issues related to on going projects in Sri Lanka which have been put on hold.
Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao addressing a group of visiting journalists said that given the cordial relations between the two countries he was confidant that issues could be resolved through dialogue.
'Any issues can be resolved within the legal framework' the Assistant Minister said in response to a question about the Chinese government position regarding the comments made in Colombo that projects and loans granted should be reviewed.
He said that, though the agenda of official talks between visiting Sri Lanka's President Maithirpala Sirisena and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping was being finalized he believed that the issue about the Colombo port city project will be discussed.
He said investors need the confidence to go ahead with their projects adding that Chinese companies were willing to follow the laws and regulations in carrying out their projects.
Mr Jinachao, referring to news reports that both countries should not be worried about 'noises' by various groups that are damaging to Sri Lanka - China relations.

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