• Last Update 2024-09-10 13:31:00

Chinese support was vital during the war: Defence Secretary


Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Karunasena Hettiarachchi yesterday appreciated the assistance provided by the Chinese Government and people of China during the conflict to defeat the separatist conflict in the country, Defence ministry said.

Attending a dinner reception organized on the occasion of the Chinese PLA Navy Task Force Port-Visit to Sri Lanka onboard the LIU ZHOU (FFG 573) Ship in Colombo harbour last evening, Secretary Hettiarachchi recalled the long standing cultural and religious ties between Sri Lanka and China which goes back more than 1000 years. 

The event was hosted by the Commander of the 21st Escort Task Group of PLA Navy Rear Admiral Yu Manjiang. Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, His Excellency Yi Xianliang was also present at the event.

He also recalled of the assistance provided by Chinese warriors to Sri Lankan Kings during invasions in the days of yore. He also highlighted the large number of training courses provided to Sri Lanka military personnel in China.

Secretary Hettiarachchi acknowledged the investment and development assistance provided by China as one of the biggest donors to Sri Lanka over the last two decades.

Chairperson of the Seva Vanitha Unit of MoD Mrs. Wasantha Gunawardena ,Chief of Defence Staff, Commander of the Navy, members of the diplomatic corps and senior officers of the PLA Navy were present at the occasion.

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