• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

Compensation and salary dues awarded to families of migrant workers


Minister of Foreign Affairs Mangala Samaraweera, together with Thalatha Athukorala, Minister of Foreign Employment and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Harsha De Silva, handed over compensation and salary dues to family members of deceased and injured migrant workers at a ceremony held on December 20. Thirty Nine family members received Rs.72 million from the Minister at the ceremony. This was the fifth compensation awarding ceremony organized by the Ministry, this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a media release.

The Ministry was able to secure compensation and salary dues with the assistance of Sri Lanka Missions in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Lebanon, Oman and Jordan. The majority of beneficiaries present at the event were from rural areas.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was able to disburse approximately Rs. 210 million as compensation and salary dues among 143 families last year. A sum of Rs.274 million has already been distributed among 155 families for  the current year. In 2016, the Consular Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been able to secure Rs. 346 million,  the highest amount of compensation payment in comparison to the previous five years.





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