• Last Update 2024-07-28 21:09:00

CC as a check and balance mechanism strengthened our democracy: Mangala


Minister of Finance and Media Mangala Samaraweera reiterated today that Constitutional Council (CC) which came into being with the passage of 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 2015 was a remarkable achievement of the government so far in the recent history of Executive and the Legislature of Sri Lanka.

Speaking at the adjournment debate on the Constitutional Council in Parliament today, Minister Samaraweera said that CC is primarily aimed at de-politicizing the state and public service, and within the brief period that it has been in operation, it has proved to be successful in its intended objective.  

Countering criticisms levelled by President Maithripala Sirisena, Minister Samaraweera added that if, on occasion, the Constitutional Council had not approved a nominee submitted by the President, which had resulted in the President having to submit fresh nominations to the Council, this is not a reason to feel slighted.

"It must be a reason for the President to feel proud that our democracy is becoming stronger. This is what checks and balances are about. This is what democracy is about. This must be a reason for pride to see that what one set in motion is actually yielding the intended results. If an impasse were to arise in the course of business, then the Constitutional Council and the President must work together to find a solution rather than engage in action that would exacerbate a situation. This, to me, is the beauty of democracy and what sets us apart from an autocracy or dictatorship." Minister Samaraweera said.

He also noted that since the establishment of the Constitutional Council, the country has witnessed a remarkable improvement in the quality of delivery of justice.  "I am confident that this is a cause for pride for our learned judges themselves when they interact with their peers in other countries. As the Speaker has clarified, seniority, while being one of the criteria employed by the Constitutional Council in nominating and approving persons for appointment, is not the only criteria. For a country to develop, meritocracy is essential."

Minister Samaraweera also warned that any reversal of these good governance gains will not only make citizens suffer in the hands of autocracy, but it will isolate the country internationally and plunge Sri Lanka into isolation once again.

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