• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Contracted locomotive drivers and guards risk sacking over strike


The Department of Railways has warned that locomative drivers and railway guards employed on contract basis would be considered as having vacated their posts if they fail to report to work today. 

The warning comes amidst an island-wide strike launched today by several trade unions in protest against the Government's handling of issues surrounding the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM). 

The strike commenced at 8.00am today. While train services operated as normal until 8.00am, services afterwards have been disrupted due to the strike. According to the Railway Main Control Room, between 10-15 trains scheduled after 8.00am have already been cancelled as a result of the strike. 

While the strike is spearheaded by the Government Medical Officers' Association (GMOA), other trade unions such as those in the railway sector and teaching, are on strike today in support of the GMOA's demands. 


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