• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Couple arrested for abusing CEB Service ID to travel during curfew


Hambantota Police have arrested a couple who were violating curfew by abusing a Service ID card issued to the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB). 

Police said the arrested male is a 32-year-old resident of Kekirawa who is an employee of the CEB serving in Norochcholai. The female is a 20-year-old resident of Pilimathalawa. 

According to investigations conducted thus far, the couple had been abusing the Service ID to travel around the country by car over several days during curfew. They had spent the night at a rest house in Tangalle on April 12 and were on their way to Tissamaharama when they were stopped yesterday (13) at a checkpoint established by the Hambantota Police, where their deception came to light. 

The suspects were produced before the Hambantota Magistrate's Court, where they were released on personal bail. However, they were then directed to the special ward set up at the Hambantota Hospital to test for COVID-19. 

Text and Pix by Rahul Samantha Hettirachchi

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