• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

Curfew violations: 12,465 held in custody & 3100 vehicles seized


At least 12, 465 people have been arrested so far since March 20 for curfew violations, Police Media Unit said. 

The number of those arrested for violating curfew had reached 12465 by 12 noon today. Police said 3100 vehicles used by suspects have also been taken into police custody. 

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa also urged public to adhere to curfew regulations in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the country. 

“Over 11,000  curfew violators to date, indicates a lack of regard for the seriousness of the situation. As President, I have undertaken the responsibility to ensure your safety. It is your responsibility as citizens to adhere to the law and #StayHome “ President said in his official twitter handle last evening.

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