• Last Update 2024-09-02 14:49:00

Elaborate sword from Wigs to outgoing Indian Consul General


A farewell dinner was held by the Consulate General of India in Jaffna to honour outgoing Consul General A. Nadarajan who has completed his three-year assignment in the North. Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran and Governor Reginald Cooray were among those invited. Those who took part in the dinner were surprised to see Chief Minister present a memento of a handmade sword to the outgoing Indian Consul General.

While thanking the outgoing Indian Consul General for his “outstanding assistance” on improving cultural and art ties between the two countries, the Chief Minister remarked that he wanted to convey a special ‘message’ through his special memento.

“India needs to be robust in its foreign policy with Sri Lanka in order to find a lasting solution to the ethnic conflict. India should apply political pressure on the Government for a federal solution rather than strengthening more economic ties, as has been the case in recent times,” Chief Minister Wigneswaran said remarking that the controversial 13th Amendment to the Constitution was not passed in Parliament the way India wanted it and Provincial powers were diluted.

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