• Last Update 2024-09-10 23:01:00

Epidemiology unit warns rise of rat fever island wide


The Epidemiology Unit warns the public, especially the farmers to be vigilant about rat fever (leptospirosis).The rat fever is on the rise in many areas especially in districts such as Anuradhapura and Kurunegala due to unusually heavy rainy condition prevailing in the country. So far this year 40 deaths had been reported due to rat fever.
Vulnerable people such as farmers, persons who clean drains, persons who work in mines, marsh lands, canals and persons who swim or play in contaminated water should contact the nearest PHI or MOH office and obtain Doxycycline tablets which are issued free. They should take two tablets before engaging in their work and drink plenty of water while working. The tablets provide around 90 percent protection for a week. They should repeat it until they finish their work, the sources said.
According to the unit, the main symptoms of rat fever are abrupt onset of high fever, mild flu, chills, conjunctive suffusion, muscle tenderness (notable in calf and lumber areas), intense headache, jaundice area and decrease of passing urine.
The Epidemiology Unit said that it is very important to seek medical treatment as early as possible from a government hospital. The disease can be completely cured if medical treatment given on time. It is difficult to save the life of a patient who seeks medical treatment when the disease is neglected and has reached later stages where renal failure, heart failure and other symptoms appear, the sources said.

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