• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

Fast by relatives of missing enters fourth day


The fast onto death commenced by a group of relatives of missing persons in Vavuniya entered its fourth day today. Those taking part in the fast claim the Government has still not given a satisfactory answer to them regarding their missing loved ones.  

The fast was launched on January 23 by relatives of missing persons noting that they were yet to receive any information of missing loved ones though it is now more than seven years after the end of the war. 

Doctors and staff of the Vavuniya Hospital are assessing the medical conditions of those engaged in the fast. One person who became critically ill has already been admitted to hospital while the condition of four others engaged in the fast were also serious, doctors have stressed. 

However, those engaged in the fast said they were determined to carry on as authorities were yet to respond favorably to their demands. 

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka

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