• Last Update 2024-09-11 19:18:00

Flares over the Blairs stay in SL by British media


Cherie Blair got up close and personal with Sri Lankan nature on a recent trip to the country – perhaps a little too “up close and personal” for comfort.  The wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was staying with her family at the eco-friendly Ulagalla Resort in the ancient city of Anuradhapura when she slipped and fell into an ornamental pond, reports the Daily Mail newspaper. It reports a guest as saying: “Cherie didn’t injure herself, but looked slightly foolish. It was the talk of the hotel.” Mr. and Ms. Blair were in Sri Lanka on holiday with their eldest son, Euan, his wife and a friend. They also spoke at two different events — Mr. Blair delivering the Lakshman Kadirgamar Memorial Lecture and Ms. Blair at a Bar Association seminar. The British newspaper took a swipe at the pair, saying that the Blairs and their two protection officers were put up at the luxurious hotel — and that, “The multi-million-pound annual bill for Blair’s protection officers, and their expenses, is footed by the British taxpayer.” Read more Cafe stories here 

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