• Last Update 2024-09-11 11:30:00

Former Sri Lankan soldier suspected of 'illegal activity' arrested in the Maldives


Suspected former Sri Lankan soldier arrested in the Maldives Maldives Police have arrested a Sri Lankan sniper in the Maldives days after a sniper rifle bullet was found in the biggest weapons bust in the country's recent history, Haveeru News reported on Wednesday. It said the sniper who had served in the Sri Lankan military was arrested a week ago and remains in custody. Maldivian authorities, neither confirmed nor denied the arrest. Another news website, SunOnine said the Sri Lankans sniper was arrested on suspicion of attempted illegal activity in the country. “Sources say that the man was arrested sometime last week while he was at the airport to leave the country. Police have been working hard to find the man. There has been no official word from the Police on the matter,” according to SunOnline. This came after a large haul of weapons was seized from Hibilhadhoo island in Baa Atoll being developed as a resort. The army confirmed Saturday that two assault rifles found in the biggest weapons bust in Maldives' recent history belonged to the state armoury, the reports said. The Maldives declared emergency rule on Wednesday and is continuing a crackdown on close associates of Vice President Ahmed Adeeb who was arrested last month on suspicion of trying to killing the President, who escaped death in a bomb blast aboard his presidential craft in late September. – ENDS -

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