• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

Fresh perspective required to ensure regional maritime security - Mangala


Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera stated that a fresh perspective is required to ensure maritime security and strategic stability in the Indian Ocean region by fostering strategic maritime partnerships. He made the remarks while speaking at a banquet held for  partcipants of the Galle Dialogue 2016 at the Galle Face Hotel last night. The banquet was hosted by Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, Vice Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne. 

Speaking further on the occasion, Minister Samaraweera said in this context, the theme of this year’s ‘Galle Dialogue’ – ‘Towards Fostering Strategic Maritime Partnerships in the Indian Ocean’ is especially significant. 

"To ensure maritime security and safety of sea lanes, we require attention and participation of major Naval Forces. We also need the involvement of all stakeholders in various traditional and non- traditional security aspects that can have implications on maritime security to be a part of this exercise, and to discuss issues and cooperate for the common good," the minister observed. 

"Sitting at the crossroads of Africa, South Asia, and East Asia, we seek to develop Sri Lanka as a hub for trade and investment while working with all our partners to support maritime security and safety," he added. 

The Galle Dialogue; International Maritime Conference, held for the 7th successive year, was inaugurated by the Sri Lanka Navy in 2010 under the patronage of the Ministry of Defence. 

The purpose of this conference is to provide a common platform for stake holders of national and international repute to discuss and deliberate maritime related issues. Moreover, specifically enhance the cooperation of maritime security and sharing of knowledge and information among them.

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