• Last Update 2024-09-12 18:59:00

Glyphosate import ban by Govt


The Government has promulated regulations banning the import of the chemical herbicide, glyphosate, into Sri Lanka.

The relevant gazette is published by its title on the official website of the Government Printing Department. It is dated June 11, 2015, but its contents have not been made public yet.
The title reads 'Regulations to bann (sic) Glyphosate by amending Special Import Regulations Published in Gaz.Ex.ord. No.1813/14 of 05.06.2013."
Differences emerged within the Government last week over President Maithripala Sirisena's verbal directive to ban glyphosate on account of some scientists claiming it was the cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). These hypotheses are yet to be proved.
Agriculture Minister Duminda Dissanayake told the Sunday Times that there would not be a complete ban of glyphosate. Instead, the chemical would be issued in controlled amounts to the estate sector. He also said it would be completely prohibited in vegetable and paddy cultivation from the Maha season that starts in October.
However, Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake, under whose purview the Department of Import and Export Control falls, maintained that glyphosate would be banned on a decision taken jointly by the President, the Prime Minister and Cabinet. He said there was no agreement to allow its import in limited amounts.
It is not clear what will be done with stocks of glyphosate already in the country. Minister Karunanayake said last week that they would either be destroyed or re-exported. Importers and distributors of the herbicide have not publicly commented.

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