• Last Update 2024-09-09 20:03:00

Govt leaders urge Hindus for co-existence and constructive engagement


President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickemresinghe noted in their Maha Shivaratri messages that celebration is meant to drive away the darkness with the light of knowledge in order to build unity, togetherness in a society to achieve freedom and co-existence.

" The 'Maha Shiva Rathri' is celebrated by the Hindu devotees world over with the objective of enhancing the spritual decipiline and to continue the material life in a righteous manner with the divine blessing. Their thoughts, expectations and rituals performed by them symbolize their wish for coexistence with each other. " President's message said.

Issuing a special message in view of the Maha Shivaratri day Prime Minister Ranil Wickemresinghe said that Hindus all over the world celebrate Maha Sivarathri Day with deep devotion as the day most preferred by Lord Shiva.

"While engaging in pious observations, they venerate Lord Shiva on this day and believe that it is both auspicious and sacred. They seek to banish darkness and let the light of hope adorn their lives with reverence. It is also an occasion for pious reflection and introspection."

"It takes much to achieve freedom, co-existence and equality in challenging times – especially when various attempts are underway to force the country back to dark times; with certain elements striving to create racial and religious disharmony, let us make this a momentous occasion to overcome such pettiness and work towards a constructive engagement with all." he said.

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