• Last Update 2024-07-22 14:52:00

Hartal in North in support of Wigneswaran


A hartal campaign is currently taking place in several parts of the Northern Province in support of Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran. 

The campaign is being conducted in areas including Jaffna, Kilinochchi and the Vanni. 

Shops and markets are closed while poor attendence has also been reported from schools. 

The hartal campaign has been organized to voice support for Mr. Wigneswaran, who is facing a challenge to his post as Chief Minister after 21 Northern Provincial Councilors submitted a motion of no confidence against him to Northern Province Governor Reginald Cooray. There are a total of 38 elected members in the NPC. 

Meanwhile, 15 PC members yesterday submitted a letter with their signatures to the Governor voicing support for the Mr. Vigneswaran. 

The crisis was precipitated after the CM asked two Provincial Ministers to resign and for two others to go on leave over allegations of corruption and abuse of power.  

IMG20170616072446 IMG20170616072321 

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