• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Kalutara prison bus attack: Another suspect arrested


Another suspect allegedly involved in the deadly shooting of two prison buses at Ethanamadala in Kalutara has been arrested. 

The 38-year-old suspect was arrested last night from Kinigama, Malwathuhiripitiya by the Peliyagoda Crime Division. 

The suspect, a resident of Malwathuhiripitiya, Buthpitiya, has an extensive criminal record. He had been arrested in 2001 for stabbing an individual to death in Malwathuhiripitiya and for the robbery of a van in 2003. 

He had also been arrested for the 2015 shooting at the Kaduwela Magistrate's Court which targeted underworld leader 'Samayan.'

The suspect had joined the army in 1998 but had been dismissed from service after the murder committed in 2001, police further added. 

The suspect is due to be handed over to the Kalutara North Police to be produced in court. 

Five prison inmates, including underworld leader 'Samayan' and two prison guards were killed when gunmen ambushed the two prison buses transporting 'Samayan' and the other inmates to the Kaduwela Magistrate's Court on the morning of February 27. 


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