• Last Update 2024-09-12 18:59:00

Lanka in first overseas relief operation: Ranil tells Parliament


Sri Lankan troops are taking part in their first ever overseas relief operation in Nepal, Prime Minister Rail Wickremesinghe told Parliament today. He said Lankan troops had previously taken part in UN peacekeeping operations but this was the first time a Lankan military plane had flown troops to a foreign nation to take part in a relief operation. “The President and the Government wish to commend our troops who have gone to Nepal as well as the medial teams who joined with them,” the Prime Minister said. He added that Lankan troops were engaged in reaching villages that have been left inaccessible by the quake. “There is a 60 kilometre stretch that has to be covered to reach the village. Due to the damages caused, it is not easy to reach some areas including a hospital which has remained inaccessible since the quake on Saturday,” he said. The Prime Minister said that another air force plane will leave today for Kathmandu while Sri Lanak Airline’s aircraft will leave on Wednesday carrying relief. “I urge all Sri Lankans to assist the people of Nepal in whatever they can,” he said. - Chandani Kirinde

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