• Last Update 2024-09-08 11:30:00

Lankan held for smuggling gold


The officials of the Customs Air Intelligence Unit at Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) in Bengaluru have arrested a 38-year-old Sri Lankan national who allegedly concealed 100 gm of gold bits in his mouth and gold biscuits in his shoes, The Hindu reported

The accused has been identified as Raghu, who arrived at KIA from Colombo on Monday. While he was being checked, Raghu showed signs of nervousness and didn’t open his mouth when the officials questioned him. When he was checked, the officials found gold pieces in his mouth. Upon further checking, the officials also found gold biscuits in his shoes worth Rs. 3.17 lakh. Raghu has been detained for further questioning.

On August 8, seven Sri Lankan nationals, including six women, who allegedly concealed gold biscuits in their rectum were arrested at KIA.

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