• Last Update 2024-09-09 20:03:00

Lankan national held in Indonesia for overstaying


The immigration authorities in Indonesia have detained a Sri Lankan national for overstaying his permit in the country. The 33-year old Sri Lankan national, identified as Amila Srinath Jayathilaka (33), is being held in custody at the Madiun penitentiary for further investigation, Head of the Madiun City Immigration Office Sigit Roesdianto said on Wednesday.

The immigration authorities arrested him after receiving a report that a foreign national had overstayed his permit, he said. 

Amila Srinath had been staying in neighboring Magetan district where he worked as a manager of a garment factory, PT Bintang Inti Karya, for the past one month.

According to his permit of stay, the Sri Lankan national should have worked for PT Bintang Abadi Persada in Karanganyar district, Central Java. Jayathilaka is charged with abusing his permit of stay under the immigration law of Inonesia.  (Antara News)

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