• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

Minister clings to his stance on WHO post


One is not sure whether to laugh or cry at last week’s remarks by Health Minister and official government spokesperson Rajitha Senaratne.

The Sunday Times (Political Commentary) reported last week that full page advertisements placed in newspapers and wide television news coverage that he was now the World Health Organisation (WHO) Vice President was factually wrong.

A journalist raised questions at his weekly media briefing held after cabinet meetings. Here are highlights of what he said:
“….The third WHO post I got was Vice Chairman of World Health Organisation (WHO). The post of Vice Chairman is given to an individual. There are 194 countries in the WHO and 35 in the Executive Committee……”

Of course every position or office is given to an individual. That is obvious in that it is a person who has to sit on that chair – not a country. Also, Dr Senaratne’s advertisements claimed he was Vice President? Such a post does not exist. Anyway, one wishes him bon voyage in his ego trip.

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