• Last Update 2024-07-17 16:41:00

Ministers De Silva, Alahapperuma assume office


Ministers Nimal Siripala de Silva and Dullas Alahapperuma assumed office today (Nov 22) after being sworn in before President Gotabaya Rajapaksa this morning.

De Silva will oversee the Ministries of Justice, Human Rights & Legal Reforms, while Alahapperuma will serve as Minister of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs.

Upon assuming office Education Minister Alahapperuma observed that the President, in his national policy, has given prominence to education only next to national security.

He pointed out that the education system needs to undergo changes in order to suit the modern generation of children, as a part of building the country.

Alahapperuma requested ministry staff to avoid using public funds to organise a welcoming ceremony for him.

He stressed that posters or banners depicting him or Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa too should not be displayed within the premises of the ministry.

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