• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

MR camp cries foul after police replace army security



A group of army personnel attached to the security detail of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa have been withdrawn and replaced by police officers. 

When contacted, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa's Spokesman Rohan Weliwita confirmed that 50 army personnel who were part of Mr. Rajapaksa's security detail had received orders to report back to Army Headquarters later this week. They are to be replaced by officers from the police.

Mr. Weliwita revealed that the former President currently has a security detail comprising 108 army personnel and 104 police officers. "Fifty of those army personnel have now been withdrawn," he explained.

While technically, the Government was right to say that security for the former President has not been reduced, the decision opens up serious security concerns over his safety, he went on.

"The soldiers comprise Mr. Rajapaksa's inner security ring. This has been the case from the time he was a minister back in the 1990s. Police personnel comprise the outter security ring and conduct administrative duties. It is difficult for them to suddenly step into handle the inner security cordon."

Mr. Weliwita labelled the Government's move as grossly irresponsible, particularly at a time when serious concerns regarding national security had been raised after the discovery of a suicide jacket and other military hardware from the North.

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