• Last Update 2024-07-22 14:52:00

Nanuoya tense after schoolgirl dies in accident


A tipper plying from Nuwara Eliya to Hatton knocked down a 7-year-old girl while she was on a pedestrian crossing near Nanuoya Town at around 7.15 this morning. The child, who was on her way to school at the time, died on the spot. 

The victim, Akasha Devmini was a student of Nanuoya James Peiris School. Angry residents who gathered at the scene then set fire to the tipper and also blocked the road by burning tyres. 

A tense situation currently prevails in the area. Crowds are continuing to block the main road demanding that police hand over the driver of the tipper to them. He is currently in police custody.

Extra police officers as well as the Special Task Force (STF) have been called into control the situation. (PCK)  

Pix by G. Krishanthan





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