• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

National Border Management Committee to be established


The Government will establish a National Border Management Committee to better secure the country's borders. A proposal in this regard, which was presented by President Maithripala Sirisena in his capacity as Minister of Defence, was approved at yesterday's Cabinet meeting. 

According to the Government, people and goods exchanged across the Sri Lankan Border is gradually increasing and it is expected to reach 10 million persons and 200 million kilograms of goods by 2020. Hence, it is important to properly manage the tasks conducted across the border for maintaining national security, social patterns and economic prospects of the country. 

President Sirisena's proposal, which was approved by Cabinet will establish a National Border Management Committee which is comprised of senior officers/policy makers of government to act as the government's central body for assessment of risks, priorities, and aims in this regard. 


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