• Last Update 2024-09-08 19:18:00

Navy held six local fishermen for illegal fishing


Naval personnel arrested six local fishermen engaged in illegal fishing in two separate incidents on Wednesday, the Navy said.

Three persons were arrested by the naval personnel attached to SLNS Kashyapa in Wakarei belonging to the Eastern Naval Command, along with a dinghy and a “Surukku” net used for illegal fishing. The apprehended fishermen and their belongings were handed over to the Directorate of Fisheries in Batticaloa for onward investigations.

On the same day naval troops attached to SLNS Ranweli in Pulmudai of the same Naval Command, arrested another 3 local fishermen with a Fiber Glass Dinghy (FGD) while fishing illegally in the seas off Jinnapuram. The arrested persons long with the FGD were handed over to the Police Station in Pulmudai for further investigations.

illfish illefigb


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