• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

Navy rescues three Somalian fishermen stranded at sea


A SriLankan Navy vessel rescued 03 Somalian fishers stranded at sea about 115 nautical miles off Galle Lighthouse today, Navy said.

Upon receipt of distress call from the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of a Somalian fishing vessel along with 03 persons onboard lost at sea, the Naval Headquarters promptly dispatched SLNS Nandimithra with a team of Medical Assistants to the location by 5.20 p.m. yesterday to rescue them.

Having reached the location today, the Navy Medical Assistants aboard SLNS Nandimithra administered first aid to the distressed fishermen and they were safely brought to the Galle harbour by 3.45 p.m. Thereupon, the 03 fishers were handed over to the Galle Police after a general medical check-up.

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