• Last Update 2024-09-05 10:42:00

Navy respond to a high sea distress



A Navy vessel named SLNS Samudra sailed from Trincomalee port last week to assist a distressed fishing vessel at the centre of the Bay of Bengal in a distress condition, Navy said. T

The distressed fishing vessel initially detected August 19 about 603 nautical miles off Foul Point. The towing was commenced by 0930 hrs on 20th August 2018 onwards with the assistance of nearby other Sri Lankan fishing vessels as the sea conditions were rough for the OPV to go close enough due to potential damages to the fishing vessel in trouble. While returning, as per the instructions received from the NHQ, a patient was also taken onboard SLNS Samudura from FV “Ishani Duwa 06” at the same location and the ship’s medical staff administered necessary first aid to the patient who was suffering from abdominal pain.

FV “Jaya Isuru 03” was towed up to Trincomalee on 25th August 2018. Meanwhile, the fishing vessel along with the crew members was handed over to the fisheries officials and the patient was rushed to the Naval Hospital, Eastern Naval Command for further treatment.

For this response mission SLNS Samudura spent 188 hours for both out and inward passages, 43,538 liters of fuel amounting to Rs 4,745,642/-. Altogether the Navy had incurred Rs 24,858,998/- (24.8 Million Rupees) to reach this fishing vessel which apparently had a ceased engine due to poor maintenance.

"Realizing the obligations of responding to the safety of life at sea as per international conventions, Srilankan Navy is committed and ensures that Sri Lankan nationals are saved from potential disastrous situations at high seas." Navy said. 


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